Expressive Impressionism
El Matador
I wanted to recall my trip to a bullfight in Madrid, Spain. I found this sport to be all about hot tempered bulls and cunning matadors. In the beginning these bulls are hot? and then? with a well-placed sword, they are suddenly NOT. I chose warm to cool values to make this point.
El Torero
Piensas que odio los toros,
pero eres un tonto, amo los toros.
I only toss their cloven orejas
to the fawning golfas
as a regretful display
of a regretful tradition.
No tienes ningun idea de mis motivos.
I swear to you by my grandfather that
after each murder I am haunted
with stabbing throbs of repentance,
even after that disgusting occasion
I was nearly gored to death
in Salamanca.
But the adrenaline, my friend,
is paramount,
in order to understand me
you must understand that
for we are one of the same
but I am an honest man.
~ Copyright © 2008 by C.W. Morado
Signed giclees are available upon request. Contact the artist.